What Should I Blog About?

Ideas for Generating Content for a Business Blog

Blogging is one of the most effective strategies for businesses to increase brand awareness, engage with their audience, build their online presence, and ultimately bring in more revenue. (Find out why you should be using WordPress for your business blog.) But you’re probably asking yourself, “What should I blog about?”

A blog for business should be professional, strategic, well-researched, informative, impressive, fun to read, engaging. Everything you put on the company blog has the potential to improve your digital presence. Although it’s not an exhaustive strategy for creating an online presence, it’s at least one-eighth of the process. 

People like to learn new things, or at least learn a new perspective on an old idea. How can you present business topics in a way that engages your readers? We’ll share some of the best ideas about content for a business blog to help you generate your own ideas related to your industry brand.

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1. Solutions/Answers  

What Should I Blog About?People often read blogs to find a solution to a specific problem or an answer to a specific question. What kind of problems does your company address? What solutions do you offer?

It’s important to remember here that your focus should be about helping an individual out – not bragging about yourself or your company. Don’t forget that the traffic that comes to your blog are living, breathing human beings just like you and me, so make sure your topic is relatable to your audience.

2. What You Know

You are an authority in your industry. You know it and understand it thoroughly – all the ins and outs and background information. What insight can you share about the market that would be valuable to your audience?

Your clientbase could benefit from the lessons you or your co-workers have learned while in the industry. What circumstances would incite your customers to solidify a sale? In what ways can your offerings help them?

3. Your Passion

It is exhausting to write about something in which you have zero interest. If you don’t care about the topic, your writing will show that, and your audience will likely care just as little.

Write about the facets of your business that you truly care about. Or interview a subject matter expert who IS passionate about the topics that don’t interest you. Even if you aren’t fully knowledgeable about the topic yet, your passion will be the motivation you need to dig deeper and research the topic thoroughly.

4. What Your Audience Cares About

Blogging drives traffic to your website and increases your online presence, so write about something that will draw your audience in. Maybe there’s a well-known cause, charity, or non-profit organization that both your business and your target audience believe in. How can you support the cause with your blog?

Perhaps your topic is something your audience should care about, but they aren’t aware of the situation. Explain the circumstances so they can be knowledgeable, and then encourage them to get involved.

5. What’s “Shareable”

Blog posts are easily shared on social channels like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, all of which can increase the number of views your blog receives. Write about something that your people will want to share.

For businesses, this might include something your audience finds funny or ironic, or something they find interesting. Social media is used to build relationships among people, but not necessarily brands, so the blog is your opportunity to show the personality behind your brand.

6. Industry News

Does your company conduct interviews with industry thought leaders? Share it on the blog. Depending on your brand, hosting a contest related to your industry can generate interest with your audience.

You can also blog about your personal take on industry news, which will show that you are up-to-date on relevant information. Others in the industry may benefit from your insight and experience and look to you for answers.

7. Company Info

Company information – such as business events, product releases or reviews, case studies, and testimonials – may interest your current customers. However, internal affairs aren’t the best way to bring in new traffic to your blog. But if you already have a large audience following your blog, then it may be wise to post a moderate amount of company info. It just shouldn’t be your primary purpose for blogging.

You can significantly improve your business’s digital presence with maintaining a blog on the company website.

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