3 Easy Ways to Improve Communication Between Marketing & Sales

Communication is key to any type of relationship whether it is with your spouse, parent, child, or coworker. Good communication is critical to have a successful company. The sales and marketing departments need to be on the same page. Start improving communication with these three easy steps.

When sales and marketing teams work together, companies see 36% higher customer retention and 38% higher sales win rates.

1. Create a marketing and sales service level agreement (SLA)

The SLA represents a commitment from the marketing and sales departments. The SLA requires the two parties to use a similar language and terminology. They come together with their individual responsibilities and support one another. Marketing commits to a certain number of qualified leads to deliver to sales, and sales outlines and defines how they will follow-up and pursue these leads. With the terms of the SLA defined, begin tracking your team’s progress with monthly reports.

2. Share monthly reports and data

Sharing these monthly reports opens up the potential for increasing the company’s marketing ROI. Sales will benefit because they won’t have to deal with unqualified leads, and marketing benefits by producing effective strategies.

When good communication exists between sales and marketing, sales will alert marketing if the qualified leads are not converting into customers. When that’s the case, the marketing department can revisit their strategy, or hold on to their visitors longer to nurture further interest before passing them on to sales.

3. Mix the departments together

Some companies’ sales and marketing departments are near each other while others have them divided. If your company has the capability to mix the salespeople within the marketers, it will be beneficial to both parties. Understanding firsthand how the other department works will help them do their jobs more effectively. Salespeople have the advantage to see if the marketing activities are helping or not. They can discuss leads and marketing programs. Marketers will begin understanding the leads salespeople are getting, and can be more productive in their tactics and strategies.

Improving communication means building relationships and empowering everyone on the team. Building relationships at all levels in the team not just among managers and VPs is a win for everyone.

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We create a digital marketing strategy that aligns our marketing execution with your top-level organizational goals through an analysis of your competition, current marketing program, target persona, and company goals.